Monday, April 29, 2013

Trois petites photos

Allo! voici quelques photos de ma fin de semaine passee (fete d'Adam vendredi soir et apres la messe dimanche matin)! Je n'ai pas le temps d'ecrire grand chose cette semaine encore car c'est la derniere semaine du semestre. Je termine lundi prochain et je suis en train de travailler sur mes deux dernieres disserts qui sont a remettre dans les 7 prochains jours, donc assez occupee! 
je vous embrasse tous et je vous tiens au courant la semaine prochaine! :) xxx

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Court message encore pour vous donner des nouvelles de ma journee. Aujourd'hui la societe des religions de l'est (? pas trop sure de la traduction : Eastern Religion Society) celebrait le festival des couleurs Holi, festival Hindou. C'etait fantastique! Les gens etaient principalement habilles de blanc et il y avait des sacs de poudre de differentes couleurs un peu partout sur la plage. Ils ont annonces le festival et la folie a commencee! On se lancait de la poudre, s'en collait dans le visage et un peu partout! Ca n'a dure qu'environ 20 minutes, mais c'etait super! 

La douche etait fantastique apres je peux vous dire! Mes cheveux decoulinaient orange...pas tres charmant! Et j'avais de la poudre dans des endroits inusites haha! Mais ca ne bat pas la bataille de creme a rasage, c'etait beaucoup plus dure de nettoyer l'odeur de la creme eww ;)

Je vous laisse sur une photos seulement, je devrais en avoir d'autres d'ici peu! 

Vous pouvez aller voir des photos de l'evenement en cliquant  ici 

Just a quick post to update you on my day. I studied (somewhat..a little...whatever), but I also went to Holi 2013. The Eastern Religion Soc of St Andrews was celebrating the Hindu festival of colours, Holi. It was great! We were down on Castle Sands, near the St Andrews Castle (which you can see a part of in the picture), people were mainly dressed in white and there were bags of powder every where on the beach, of every colour! They welcomed us to their celebration and the madness started! Everyone was running around chucking coloured powder everywhere! Rubbing it on people clothes, face, hair, everything! It lasted about 20 minutes, but it was intense and fun! 

And I must say the shower afterwards felt AMAZING hahaha my skin and hair were super dry from the powder and my hair was dripping orange...a tad disgusting. And I had powder in the weirdest places, no idea how it got there! I must say it did not beat the foam fight back in October - that was some hell to clean up after! Took about 4 shampoos to get rid of that stinky smell of the foam in my hair haha

So I leave you with this picture! It's the only one I have right now (my mobile is a pain in the butt right now) but hopefully I'll have some more soon :) xx

Check official pictures of the event by clicking here !

Thursday, April 11, 2013

D'autres nouvelles

Juste un petit message pour vous dire allo! Je termine l'ecole mardi prochain... je n'en reviens toujours pas! Je suis a St Andrews depuis plus de 7 mois et je ne comprends pas comment cela a passe si rapidement! J'ai eu une periode de faiblesse pendant les vacances de printemps car je m'ennuyais beaucoup, mais avec tout le travail que j'ai a faire ca a passe tres vite. Les cours terminent mardi mais apres ca j'ai une presentation vendredi (sur le ballet!) et 3 travaux a remettre entre le 26 avril et le 6 mai. Donc beaucoup de travail maintenant et encore plus d'ici le debut mai. 

J'ai aussi eu une bonne nouvelle! Nous devons commencer a nous preparer pour la dissertation et une de mes profs preferees m'a ecrit pour me dire qu'elle serait ma superviseure de dissertation! Je suis tellement contente! Elle etait la superviseure que je voulais et je suis tres contente! Quand je lui ai parle de mon sujet cette semaine quand on s'est rencontre, elle etait tres enthousiaste! Je suis entre de bonne mains :)

Bon sur cette note je retourne etudier! xx

P.S. en parlant avec mes parents j'ai realise que je ne vous avais pas dit que j'ecris pour le blog de l'ecole! C'est principalement pour de futurs etudiants qui veulent en savoir plus sur la vie a St Andrews! Voici le lien pour ceux que ca interesse!

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Hi everyone!
God haven't written in English in so long (on this blog)! To update you quickly : life is good in St Andrews. That's the summary of the last few weeks I guess. Temperature has been very Scottish and changing every week. Went for a run (okay my run I mainly mean walk) on Saturday, it was sunny and warm (10 degrees) and yesterday came back from the gym in shorts and it was a big mistake, the mere 3 degrees felt much worst. The two weeks of break have come and gone and I've only visited the exotic place called the library. Well that's a lie, I went away for a day to Loch Lomond and it was quite nice! You've probably seen the pictures below on the blog.

Classes have been keeping me busy as well as working on my presentation (due next week aaah) and my three final essays. Classes end next Tuesday..isn't that crazy? I'll be done the course section of my Masters in like 5 days. I don't know how we even got here! Time has flown by! I've been in St Andrews for over 7 months now! How did that happen? I got a little down during the break, I missed home a lot of the first time in months, but I had no time to stay in that state, too much work to do! So classes are ending next Tuesday, then I have a presentation next Friday and my three essays due between the 26th of April and the 6th of May. It'll be a busy few weeks! 

I've also gotten great news! A professor I really like emailed me to say she would be my supervisor for dissertation and I couldn't be happier! She was the one I wanted and when I was discussing my dissertation topic with her she was super enthusiastic. She always reassures me and I know I will be in good hands with her for dissertation. :)

On this I must leave you and go back to studying! xx

P.S. I realised recently that I've never shared with you guys that, among everything else that I am involved in, I also write for the university admissions blog. It's mainly for prospective students who want to know more about life in St Andrews. Here is the link if you are interested in taking a look :)